Sunday, January 7, 2007

#2 (aka: A little help from my friends)

It's been my experience that, sometimes, a good way to understand or get to know someone is by seeing who their friends are. It doesn't always work that way, of course, but sometimes it does. For me, to know about my best friends is to know me pretty well. So, here is the list of the most coveted members of my Chosen Family. They know me best -- they "get" me. Through them, you should know me better, too.

My Transbrothers

Davey: a spirited community worker; a powerful activist; a strong, proud Transguy

Alex P.: a Queer youth worker/advocate; an activist; a devoted partner; a strong, proud Transguy

Blaze: a drag king; an up-and-coming author; a proud, strong Transguy

Nick: a drag king; a faithful boyfriend; a strong, proud Transguy

Alex R.: a good father; a talented blogger; a strong, proud Transguy

Bear: an awesome writer; a performance artist; an activist; a strong, proud Butch/Transguy

My Transsisters

Kate: a thought-provoking writer; a performance artist; an activist; a sweetheart; a beautiful, powerful Transwoman

Jesse: a great artist; a darling; a beautiful, powerful Transwoman

Everybody else

Peterson: a strong activist; an "ex-Gay" movement survivor; a moving speaker

Ami: a powerhouse of knowledge with influential ideas about the world and how screwed up it seems to be for anyone who isn't a straight-laced Republican

Dane: a spectacular poet; a strong, independent woman

Chris: a sensitive, warm-hearted, open-minded, accepting man

*I also believe it goes without saying that all these people are the most wonderful friends anybody could ever hope to have*

Now you know me.

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