Monday, January 22, 2007

#15 (aka: Story)

Okay, dewds, this is the first part of that new story that I posted about yesterday (which y'all can still help me with if you feel so inspired, hehe (but no hard feelings if you don't, of course)). I decided it's going to be called "Boi Band" (unless anybody else can come up with a better title). Comments of any sort about it are welcome (even if you post "Elliot, this is the worst piece of writing I've ever read in my life. You have to start all over again"). Anyway... here it is:

Courage is fear that says its prayers. This is the only “old saying” that I have ever heeded to or understood. That’s because it is the only one that has ever really and directly applied to me.

My name is Crane. I was born and raised less than an hour from the Queer capitol of Massachusetts (known commonly as Northampton), but for many years I didn’t know that this incredible jewel even existed. It took me almost until I was eighteen to begin to appreciate the greatness held within that town, but once I did, I never looked back.

It was through my friend Theo that I met someone else who would change my life. His name is Hewitt, and he was my first real dad, even though, in many ways, he just couldn’t be.

Before you wonder, no; I was not a test-tube baby. I have a biological mother and father, but my relationship with Hewitt always was and still remains totally different. My birth parents love me, yes, but they don’t really know me – they don’t see me like Hewitt does. They don’t “get” me like him. He and Theo and Dragan and Macon and Oliver – they’re the best chosen family a young Transgender man like me could ever hope for. They’re all my heart ever cried out for, and it was only when they answered that my world finally came together and truly made sense.

1 comment:

Peterson Toscano said...

Okay Elliot, you drew me in. I especially like the opening and the name Crane. Good choice. Of course this story sounds vaguely familiar to me...Cool, let's see where your art will take your story.