Sunday, February 4, 2007

#19 (aka: Ah, Mr. Mathers, you've hit the nail on the head)

Something weird has happened to my musical tastes lately: I have become a fan of Eminem. At this time last year, I would have thought, whatever. I don't really connect to the guy (and I still don't listen to artists whose lyrics I don't connect to). But I saw his movie "8 Mile" on VH1 one night a few weeks ago, and I realized through the struggle of the main character Rabbit (played by Eminem) that my own struggle isn't all that different from his. I think that "8 Mile" was rather autobiographical of Eminem's own life. Long story short, I have a lot of respect for him now.

My stepbrother has Eminem's album of hits called "Curtain Call". On it, there are two songs that really touch me. One is called "Like Toy Soldiers", which is about the importance of close friends and loyalty (in this case, I connected it to the brotherhood I feel with my Transdude friends). The other is called "When I'm Gone", and it is one of the two songs that he wrote on this album for his daughter (the other is "Mockingbird"). This song is special to me because it's about how much you need to value the people who you love and who you'd give your life for because you never know when they might be gone. If you have a chance, I suggest listening to these songs if you have any opportunity to. And if you want to, here are some links to the lyrics of "Like Toy Soldiers" and "When I'm Gone" so that you can read what I think is so profound about those songs:

"Like Toy Soldiers" --
"When I'm Gone" --

And here's a link about "8 Mile", if you've got extra online time on your hands:

"8 Mile" --


Peterson Toscano said...

I have to admit, I too am a fan of Emenim. I like the way he reveals his personal life and struggles in many of his songs.

Some people take offense at him because of some of the things he says, but I apprciate the good songs and don't listen to the others.

Elliot Coale said...

Yes, Peterson. That's exactly how I feel! ::high five::

I have the Glad Glads now. ;-D