Thursday, February 22, 2007

#29 (aka: Feeling a bit... hormonal *wink*)

Testosterone. Might be a big part of my (rather) near future. If you wanna learn more about my particular (read: complicated) situation... leave comments! :D


Alex Resare said...

This is a comment left just to get to know more about your situation.


Peterson Toscano said...

t for thee--how can that b? do tell me mister e.

Elliot Coale said...

Peterson, you like your plays-on-words, don't you? ;)

And thank you, Alex. Now that I've peaked your interest, allow me to explain:

Well, as you both know, because you've read both of my blogs, my family situation isn't really all that good. So when I had the meeting with a gender specialist last week, and both of my parents showed up, I was preparing for a big explosion with phrases like, "I don't understand how you can think of doing this" and "This is wrong of you to even think about doing something like this to your body" and "We love you as our daughter". That actually never came, but even after the meeting, I was still readying myself for battle. But then, a couple of nights ago, my general therapist called and spoke with my father about how he felt about my starting to work with the gender specialist toward getting my letter to begin hormones. And then she asked me if I still wanted to meet with the specialist, and I said "What do you think?!", and she said that was what she expected to hear and we hung up so that she could call my mom to talk with her about it. I talked with my mom yesterday morning, and she said I could go ahead and call the specialist to try to make an appointment with her, and I haven't heard from her yet, but it's still a rather good sign, don't you think?

Now, to know more about this amazing process that my parents keep surprising me with, read my newest entry, #30 (aka: An amazing moment in time)