Tuesday, February 6, 2007

#21 (aka: The ballad of my poetic slump)

I was given a very interesting homework assignment in my AP Writing for Self-Expression (aka: Creative Writing) course today. Well, first let me explain about the assignment from the night before: our teacher asked us to find a song that we liked that was a "ballad", and she said it didn't have to be all lovey-dovey/mooshy-gooshy/heartwrenching, but it had to meet the "requirements" of being a ballad (like the last word of the second and fourth lines of each verse rhyming).

So, today, she told us to go home and write our own ballad. And this is where the problem comes up. See, I've written plenty of songs before, of the "ballad" type. So I shouldn't have a problem with this assignment, right? WRONG. I can't seem to write a ballad now that I know what it is and what the requirements are for it! It would appear that this teacher is committing creative sabotage on me, and I just don't appreciate it. Not one bit.

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